Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Week 6

Will the Hashtag Be the End of Humanity

Okay, this is not an article with intelligent commentary but you have to admit it's funny because it's true. The hashtag annoys me. If you haven't seen Jimmy Fallons spoof on the hashtag you need to look it up. 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Week 5

Google X and Biology

This article is so fascinating to me. I am particularly interested in how this research could change the way we treat health conditions prior to a disease showing itself in the body. Also, I am Psychology major that enjoys any of the biological aspect of Mental Illness that this could be a launching point for new Psychological experiments in the future.


Monday, July 14, 2014

Second Life

    Today I looked up Second Life and decided to try it out. I felt strange walking around and talking to complete strangers. Within the first 5 minutes there was talk of sex. That is not something most people would bring up as a conversation with a stranger in their "first" life.
      I can see how Second Life would especially appeal to someone that is more of an introvert in "first" life. Especially if you tend to be shy and don't have many friends. I also see the potential for someone to check out of "first life" and to have a virtual reality instead. I find this a bit disturbing. Maybe it is my generation gap?

     I believe people need real touch and to see someones expression when they are talking to each other. I hope that the second life does not become a world that my children would be a part of.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Week 4

US Military Study Twitter

 A direct quote from the article-

“As another example, when anti-government messages are spread in social media, government would want to spread counter messages to balance that effort and hence identify people who are more likely to spread such counter messages based on their opinions.”

   After reading about the psychological experiment that Facebook conducted without the knowledge of its users I decided to delete my facebook account. So when I came across this article about the US Military monitoring twitter accounts I knew I wanted to read it.

    I am not a doomsday-er  but these experiments scare me. I think more people need to be worried about these companies and the governments far reaching, secretive practices.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Week 3

Cyber Peace

Direct quote from the article-

"We have a faith-based approach [to cybersecurity], in that we pray every night nothing bad will happen." Indeed, in just the past few months, it has come to light that nearly half of U.S. adults have been hacked, and the U.S. is not alone.

  " Working together, we can stop cyber war before it starts by laying the groundwork for a positive cyber peace that respects human rights, spreads Internet access along with cybersecurity best practices, and strengthens governance mechanisms by fostering multi-stakeholder collaboration to help engender a global culture of cybersecurity."